Recently, law enforcement and the Los Angeles District Attorney’s office have made Welfare Fraud a priority.  Usually, the investigation by law enforcement targets recipients of welfare benefits.  At times, the investigations target employees within the welfare system for allegedly facilitating fraud for other individuals.  Welfare fraud is broad and carries a potential variety of penalties, some that are extremely sever.  Typical criminal cases of welfare fraud occur when a beneficiary fails to correctly declare income, assets, and whether the child for whom benefits are derived is still in the home.

Likewise, personnel that are working in the welfare system are prosecuted is they engage in certain activities that assist others in committing welfare fraud.  A conviction for welfare fraud can be punished by a fine, jail sentence, or a state prison term.

Los Angeles Welfare Fraud Lawyer

Retaining an aggressive, experienced and knowledgeable Los Angeles criminal defense attorney is the most important decision you can make.  A qualified Criminal Defense lawyer can educate you as to your options, assist you in making critical life altering decisions, investigate the factors that led to your arrest, skillfully examine law enforcement personnel, and litigate the criminal case. Our firm has the qualified criminal defense attorneys that will be in your corner aggressively defending your rights with the goal of successfully fighting your criminal charges.